Population pyramid with R
A population pyramid consists of two histograms, one for each gender (conventionally, males on the left and females on the right) where the population numbers are shown horizontally (X-axis) and the age vertically (Y-axis).
More about: Population pyramid
Population pyramid
# Loading required packages
# Loading data
<- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GDS-ODSSS/unhcr-dataviz-platform/master/data/distribution/population_pyramid.csv")
# Plot
ggplot(df) +
ages,fill = "Male"
),width = 0.7
) geom_col(aes(female,
ages,fill = "Female"
),width = 0.7
) geom_text(aes(-male,
ages,label = percent(abs(male))
),hjust = 1.25,
size = 11.5 / .pt
) geom_text(aes(female,
ages,label = percent(abs(female))
),hjust = -0.25,
size = 11.5 / .pt
) labs(
title = "Demographics of forcibly displaced people | 2020",
caption = "Note: figures do not add up to 100 per cent due to rounding\nSource: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder\n© UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency"
) scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(c(0.2, 0.2))) +
scale_fill_manual(values = setNames(
unhcr_pal(n = 3, "pal_unhcr")[c(2, 1)],
c("Male", "Female")
)) theme_unhcr(
grid = FALSE,
axis = FALSE,
axis_title = FALSE,
axis_text = "y"